viernes, 14 de diciembre de 2012


Program 2013 Presentation

 Health Journey is a powerful health and tourism package, considering a 23 days stay in Ecuador. Over this period of time the visitor will go through an extensive  healing therapeutic program, using only Bioenergy medicine with no side effects. as well as  and enlightening and fascinating touristic program.


 The health component of the program is based on Bioenergy medicine. This is a sound medical approach using only alternative medicine forms of therapy such as Neural Therapy, Acupuncture, Ozone therapy, Neurofocal dentistry, and other of similar nature. Bioenergy medicine considers the human being as an organized system composed by several layers of energy vibrating at different rates, pretty much like a vibrant radiant light. When the energy gets blocked, the flow is insufficient or there is an overload of it, the body gets sick. All Bioenergy medicine therapies are focus in restoring the proper flow, and levels of vital life energy. When we reach that, the body recovers the health.

 All medical procedures are performed by highly trained physicians specialized in different Bioenergy therapeutic procedures.

 The medical procedures are performed at the different clinics in 5 different locations in Ecuador. Each clinic  practices some specific therapies, making the medical experience for the patient enjoyable and memorable.

 We like to call our medicine “The medicine of love” since is by love that God created as. Without love would be no life, with love we can  also heal.

 No sound medical procedure will be complete without the use of high end technology. Our clinics are equipped with sophisticated medical equipment, to go trough the different stages of your treatment, and we have to our disposal accurate equipment for diagnosis, and to treat all medical conditions.

 Bioenergy medicine has been known successful in treating medical conditions such as:

All kind of liver problems
Back and lumbar pain
Digestive System problems
Hormonal problems
Circulatory problems

Even when we are mentioning some common illnesses, it is only a way to show you what kind of common medical problems we  can successfully address , however, Bioenergy medicine is non specific, which means that treats NO symptoms; but focus in restoring the correct electromagnetic energy flow in the body by means of using several different healing modalities.

 Once the electromagnetic energy flow and the proper electric charge at cellular level have been corrected, the natural healing process will take place, and the symptoms will disappear.

         Bioenergy medicine treats the Human Been as a complete perfect unit and not the symptom
         Bioenergy medicine has no side effects
          Bioenergy medicine does not use any kind of toxic medication
         Bioenergy medicine uses a combination of healing techniques, according the specific diagnosis of the patient.
         Bioenergy medicine  believes in the power of intention and love to heal
         Bioenergy medicine  does not separate science, faith and the healing power of God, but integrates them all in one healing process
         Bioenergy medicine believes in the participation of the patient in the healing process as an important factor in the success of the therapy
We can certainly make a big contribution to your wellbeing. If you have being going from doctor to doctor for a long time and you are still not feeling at the best of your potential, or you have a serious medical condition that seems to have no good results with the standard treatment you have being following, then we can help you, get in contact with us and we will set up for you a Skype videoconference with one of our doctors to make a face to face interview and assess your specific situation.
We treat every patient with dedicated care and attention, and all our staff is ready to take care of you at all moments.

Along with the therapeutic procedures the visitor will go trough and exiting and enlightening   tour program. The visitor will experience and enjoy first hand the excitements and wonders of 4 different locations in Ecuador visiting the birth place of some amazing Ecuadorian cultures. You will be transported to ancient times to see, feel and listen all the cultural richness and traditions of the Ecuadorian territory.

We also believe in sharing with the world the ways of healing and the culture of the Ecuadorian people. According to this, we have included some powerfully healing traditional therapies used for centuries by the locals. You will experience the magical experience of  energy cleansing using nature’s elements, All your senses and your mind will deeply enjoy a Quichua sweet lodge, and every part of your body will revitalize by clearing and   balancing your energy system with crystals and sound,. This is just a small part of all the amazing array of 5 senses experiences the visitor will enjoy when joining the Health Journey program.

 or those visitors who enjoy learning about the different local cultures

(Quichuas, Shuars Ashuars, Cañaris, Macas, etc) we have the most knowledgeable team of experts ready to lecture and teach you all about the wisdom and ecological way of life of the Ecuadorian native people. Rest assure you will go home even speaking some Quichua words.

v    City of Cuenca.
v    City of Loja
v    City of Vilcabamba
v    City of Macas

 CUENCA. Places to visit

 Historical district

The city of Cuenca in Ecuador was founded in April 12 1557 by Spanish explorer Gil Ramirez Dávalos.
Cuenca was declared Architectonic World Heritage by UNESCO, and it is famous for the amazing local architecture.
The Health Journey visitor will enjoy the friendly and exiting cultural atmosphere of the city. Every street of the historical center will be an amazing visual and sensory experience.  Cuenca is the hearth beat for some  important University centers, and cultural life is all around the city. If we mention, just to highlight a few interesting building or places in the city, it will be unfair to the rest, since every building every street and every stone of Cuenca has something for the amazement of the visitor. Cuenca is a city to come back many times. The magic of the city attracts the visitors, and many are choosing it as a place for permanent residency. 

 El Cajas national park

Cajas National Park is located near the city of Cuenca at 33 Kmt, with a surface of 28.500 Hts, it is a wonderful place were the visitor can enjoy trekking, camping sport fishing, especially trout. If you like fishing this is the perfect place for you, and, If you have never done it, it is the perfect place to learn this relaxing and therapeutic sport activity.
Cajas National Park is well known for having 232 beautiful lagoons and a fantastic array of indigenous wild life in the surrounding areas. White tail dear, black glasses bear, cougars, ocelots are among some of the most beautiful animas the tourist can encounter.
The highest pick is the 4.450 mts height “architects hill”

 Seven churches
Cuenca is famous for the beautifull architecture, specialy churches. You will visit 7 of the most beautifull churches in the city, in each one of them we sugest you to do a deep healing request as part of your healing journey.

 Baños (The place for bathing)

Baños is a neighborhood of Cuenca, at about 20 minutes away from downtown. It was built in the vicinity of a volcanic formation. Underground there are many hot spring veins carrying out thermal waters.  Several spas have being built to take advantage of these wonderful healing waters. Thermal bath, therapeutic mud, steam bath and others of similar nature will pamper the visitor and empower the healing process.


Ingapirca (Inca wall in Quichua language) it is a town, and a place of ancient Inca ruins. Nowadays is one of the most important Inca ruins in the Andes region. The visitor will go back in time visiting the Temple of the Sun, and getting a first hand opportunity to know about the Quichua and Inca lifestyles.   


Ancient therapies to experience in Cuenca

v  Sound and music therapy
v  Reiki
v  Healing Stones theraphy
 Jipiro Park
Jipiro Recreational Park is located at the north of the city of Loja. Is a 10 Hts plot of land loaded with lush nature and beautiful landscaping. It is considered one of the most beautiful parks in Ecuador for the great variety of indigenous species growing on it. The visitor will get to experience the beauty of many local indigenous tree species, flowers, and the magic atmosphere of the Ecuadorian natural and pristine environment.

City tour.

The beautiful city of Loja has many interesting places to show to the visitor. Some of the places the visitor will enjoy are:
 San Valentin´s park , Square of the flowers 1st of May, Loja´s central square, Gran Colombia Market, Simon Bolivar Feria compound, Colonial church of El Valle

 Loja Zoo

Created on 2004 by the Municipality of Loja. The local authorities detected the need of having a place for the people of Loja to learn and enjoy about the extensive and amazing wild life existing in Ecuador. This was the way how came to existence this beautiful natural paradise located at the city of Loja.

 Ancients therapies the visitor will experience in Loja.

Lecture about Metaphysics in the Andes Culture.
 Sound theraphy

City of Vilcabamba.

 Podocarpus National Park
This is a national park located in the province of Loja and Zamora in the south west of Ecuador. It was created December 15th 1982.
It has a surface of 146.280 Kmt2. When visiting the park the visitor will enjoy the biggest Romerillo tree forest in the country which is composed by three species of the Podocarpus tree

Ancient therapies considered in Vilcabamba

Sweat lodge
Cristal therapy
Sound Therapy
Energy cleansing


Shuar life style experience
 Get ready  to live an unforgettable experience, sharing with a Shuar community in Macas, one of the most important originary ethnic groups in Ecuador. Live and enjoy their typical food, arts and crafts, and above all the cordiality

 Experience ancestral therapies, such as shamanic cleansing and sweat lodge
Come to Ecuador , the Healing Country, and enjoy 23 days of healing in body, mind and spirit.

 Will be waiting for you with a smile and open arms.


For more info, visit

//// Health Journey 2013 ©

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