jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011


Traveing is a wonderful experience, specially when it has a special meaning for the traveler.
Taking a trip to a near by place to spend a few days of rest an fun is something we all certainly enjoy; but taking a trip to heal body, mind and spirit, is a totally different kind of experience.  A trip to a healing experience it certainly becomes a "Journey".

We all have something to heal in our lives, either is an emotional trauma, a long lasting health problem, it is all the same at the end. We need to find a place to go trough that proces and we also need guidance, yes..a frienly hand that can take us into the path of healing.

In today´s world, healing has become nothing more than a proces in which somebody tryes ( many times more interested in our money) to do something to make us feel better, ease the pain, either emotional or physical; but hardly ever, someone makes the attempt to reach deep into the origen of our healing challenge. Medical and psychological attention are every day more and more distant from the real human being,  and we become just another "patient", a number, and account  and a heavy bill to pay.

But, no everything is lost... there are other ways to heal, there are other ways to face the wonderful challenge of healing.

Health Journey is a healing program created by a group of medical professionals that strongly believes in the power of healing by natural ways, using only non damaging medicine, no side effects, and also believe in the power of traveling, and enjoying the beauty of life and nature.

Health Journey uses only bioenergy medicine to heal ( www.sammimedical.net) and empowers the healing process using ancestral therapies, such as sweat lodge, chamanic cleansing, crystal healing, among others.

Health Journey will take you also in a fantastic trip to know 4 beautiful cities in Ecuador. Cuenca, Loja, Macas, Vilcabamba ( www.biomehealth.com

We are sure you will deeply enjoy comming to Ecuador in a HEALTH JOURNEY.  Get in touch with us. You could be making one of the most rewarding desitions in your life.

We welcome you...come to Ecuador, the healing country.

The Health Journey Team

Cuenca. Overview of the city
Cuenca, officially Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca is a city in south central Ecuador and is the capital of the province of Azuay and Region 6. Located in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Andean Cordillera. Its historic center was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999. It's called the Athens of Ecuador for its majestic architecture, its cultural diversity, its contribution to the arts, sciences and letters Ecuadorian and being the birthplace of many famous people of Ecuadorian society. Handmade hats are a specialty in Ecuador. 


Shuar boy
Macas is a city in Ecuador, capital of the province of Morona Santiago, is the capital of Morona Canton, has an estimated population of 20,000. It is located to the east of Ecuador, at an altitude of 1000m above sea level.

Macas's climate is hot and humid with high temperatures throughout the year. Its proximity to the Andes softens temperature causing the climate is milder. The average temperature is 25 º

The typical food of this region of Ecuador is very diverse because the food found there. One of the most typical dishes is the ayampaco, which is beef or chicken wrapped in leaves that are in the jungle, which are then baked. Another dish is the roast beef with yucca (a kind of tuber), and salad. Drinks range from guayusa (drink made of leaves) to a number of tropical fruit juices. Other typical dishes are: chonta, Chinese potatoes, palm.

Macas has many cabins designed to be in contact with nature, these cabins have all the amenities and are beautiful. Also you can do water sports like rafting on the many rivers available in Macas .
Macas is the home of the Shuar nation, one of the most beautifull and interesting ethnic groups of Ecuador. The city of Macas is also called  The Doorway of the Amazon,


Vilcabamba is one of the major tourist attractions of Ecuador, located 40 km south of the city of Loja. Surrounded by an idyllic landscape that keeps you in touch with nature, providing a natural and perfect weather that is mixed with a colonial atmosphere and quiet. It is known as the Valley of Longevity, by which its inhabitants can live more than 100 years, Many of the continue working the land strongly as any healthy adult. Vilcabamba is one of the most benign places in the of the country, where every year thousands of tourists are attracted by its natural beauty and longevity of its inhabitants ..

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